07. Linear to Logistic Regression

Linear to Logistic Regression

Linear regression helps predict values on a continuous spectrum, like predicting what the price of a house will be.

How about classifying data among discrete classes?

Here are examples of classification tasks:

  • Determining whether a patient has cancer
  • Identifying the species of a fish
  • Figuring out who's talking on a conference call

Classification problems are important for self-driving cars. Self-driving cars might need to classify whether an object crossing the road is a car, pedestrian, and a bicycle. Or they might need to identify which type of traffic sign is coming up, or what a stop light is indicating.

In the next video, Luis will demonstrate a classification algorithm called "logistic regression". He'll use logistic regression to predict whether a student will be accepted to a university.

Linear regression leads to logistic regression and ultimately neural networks, a more advanced classification tool.